How to Get Rid of Fungus Under Nail


Nail fungi or onychomycosis is a viral infection that infects nails. Furthermore, it has noticeable signs, such as the discoloration of your nails; it can be yellow, brown, or white. This infection is likely to cause your nails to crack or even thicken; you will not like your nails to have such an infection. Fortunately, it would help if you were thankful because nail fungus has a variety of treatments. However, these treatments come with side effects, that is why people have gone extra miles to try out home remedies to get rid of under nails fungus.

Tea tree oil

This is a vital oil since it contains antiseptic as well as antifungal abilities. Furthermore, statistics carried out by small-scale clinical studies indicate that tea tree oil works appropriately against under nail fungus. Apply your tea tree oil at least twice a day using a cotton swab for better results.

Alternate your diet

Most of the time, good health starts with the diet that you are likely to consume. How healthy the food you consume determines how your body can fight against diseases and infections, such as nail fungus. Therefore, you must consume foods that have sufficient nutrients like foods rich in fatty acids, iron to avoid having brittle nails. Moreover, try and also take adequate protein for nail regrowth support and food containing vitamin D and calcium for strengthening your nails.

Snakeroot extract

The snakeroot extract has properties for antifungal from sunflower family plants. This home remedy is useful in handling under nail fungus; it has antifungal properties. Statistics show that snakeroot extract should be applied each 3rd day if you start for the first time, two times for your second month, and once every week of the third month. This will enable you to experience super-awesome results by suppressing the under nail fungus.


This home remedy for fighting against under nail fungus works effectively; hence many people like experimenting it out at home. For you to use it appropriately, you have to soak your affected foot a single part vinegar to dual parts of warm water for approximately 20 minutes daily. In case you do this continuously, you will be able to fight the under nail fungi effectively, and within a short duration, your recovery will be complete.


Garlic has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. This means you can comfortably treat the fungus under nail using garlic gloves by positioning either crushed or chopped on the areas that have the infection for about 30 good minutes per day. However, it is more appropriate to have it treated from inside out using the garlic capsules since it is likely to be less smelly. arti nama

Oregano oil

Oregano oil has thymol, which contains antibacterial and antifungal properties for ensuring that it tackles fungus under the nail. It is appropriate that you apply Oregano oil on the area with infection at least twice a day using cotton swabs. Most people tend to use a combination of oregano oil and tea tree oil, which is risky and may lead to irritation.


From the above information, you are now familiar with some of the home remedies for handling fungus under the nail. Therefore, choose the best that can meet your demands appropriately. I hope you will benefit from this article in your bid to understand the different remedies for under the nail fungus.